Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

What a lovely piece this is! Thank you.

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Thanks Verna! Thanks for being here.

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Jun 30Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

I also LOVE solo hiking, so much more so than hiking with others. I can stop and notice every single bit of nature that catches my eye/ear/heart and have no shame when I stop for frequent breathers because I don't do cardio aside from hiking. Those 'don't hike alone' signs make total sense and I want the bears to be safe also, while also being a bummer for so many reasons.

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Yes! I see you Cassidy, and I’m so glad you’re here. ♥️ I love your cardio comment. You might like today’s post. 🌻

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Jun 16Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Have to love a piece that references picture books. I've been through the driving thing with my 4 children, so totally relate. 💜

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Hi Phoebe. Thanks for reading. I love writing about children’s books.

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Jun 16Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

my youngest is doing driver's ed this summer because she wasn't emotionally ready last year. It's so hard! I have to shut off that nagging danger brain and just accept that people learn to drive all the time. I think about students that I've had who drive and are way less responsible than she is, and that kind of makes me feel better...except those students will be on the same roads... LALALALALALA I like your idea of singing away your danger brain! Good luck!

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So scary!

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Jun 11Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

This is a tender story and of course, we're not scared. The push and pull of allowing our children to do hard and scary things is exactly like this. Also, I would totally sing weird song selections to keep away the bears. Thanks for this one.

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Mary, you have no idea how much you made me laugh with your bear story. My husband looked over at me at one point & asked, “What are you reading?” My kids are older than your Anna. I know exactly how you are feeling right now. We feel so protective of our children & when they reach these milestones, it’s a big deal. Huge! One day I will share with you the story regarding what I actually talked to my daughter about the day we took her to college her freshman year. I look back & can’t believe I did it. But she was my eldest & it was all new to me. Your photos are beautiful! 🦋

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I definitely want to hear that story Susan. I love when my writing makes people laugh so hearing that it made you laugh out loud made my week. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.

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Okay, Mary, here is my dropping our eldest child off at college story. I was so happy for my daughter when she was preparing for college. I had such a truly wonderful college experience that I knew how amazing these years could be for our daughter Elizabeth. We had a great time together shopping for everything she needed, spending one on one alone. One of my favorite books in The Prophet by Kalil Gibran. In fact, I have several copies of it as friends and loved ones have given it to me as a gift over the years, knowing my love for it. They just didn't know so many of them were giving it to me. I used to read The Prophet aloud to Elizabeth in her pre-teen and teen years. She and I used to love reading aloud to one another. I could never make it through the passsage On Children without my voice trembling and tears beginning to form in my eyes. Sometimes I had to stop and pauseto regain my compusure from the connection and love I felt for my children to Kalil's words. I bought her a copy of The Prophet and the night before we left, to take her to school. I wrote her a two page letter about life and my love for her. I put these pages in the book, wrapped it and gave it to her when the time came for us to say goodbye to her. I had the last moments with her before we left, as her father told her younger brother that the two of them would say goodbye and then leave me alone with her. He knew how difficult it was for me to say goodbye to her that day. BUT, before our goodbyes, we moved Elizabeth into her dorm, we printed out her schedule and purchased her textbooks (all the while I was noticing the young males checking her out when we were out and about on campus. Moms, right?) We had a lunch at Potbelly's on campus and then we went to the Quad for some alone together time before we left. Jim and Jimmy were throwing a football around together and I was walking alone with Elizabeth, her arm through mine as we have walked since she was in junior high. The next thing I know, my mind is really accepting the fact that we are about to leave Elizabeth alone on this enormous campus and what do I do? Mary, I literally said to her, "Elizabeth, there are going to be a lot of good looking guys in your dorm, in your classes, and on campus. While they may be good looking, you have to be cautious with people when first meeting them. Remember the man Ted Bundy? Let me tell you about him again..." At which point, Elizabeth stopped me by calling out to her dad, "Dad! Mom is bringing up Ted Bundy again!" Jim responded, "Jimmy, I think it's time we get your mom back in the car headed north." I look back at that now and can't believe I said that to her. I was feeling so protective of my daughter being away from us at college. We had our beautiful, emotional goodbyes in her dorm room afterwards and I gave her the wrapped book with my note inside, telling her to wait until we left to open it. And as we headed back north, the three of us in our car, Jim turned to me and said, "Ted Bundy again? Really?" My friends get a kick out of this story. I can laugh now, but back then, that day was one of the hardest days of my life.

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Mary, I apologize for the typos in my comment above! I wish there was an edit option on here as there are on other areas online.

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I love this story so much. I laughed out loud. I didn’t notice any typos so don’t even worry. I think it would be cool to publish reader’s stories at some point and this would be a really fun one to include if you are game. 🥰

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Love this so much.

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Thanks Kim! 🥰

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Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

This is big rite of passage for parents and kids. It's genius to go hiking and fill your brain with bears so you can worry about that and not about your kid (or the impending loss this may represent). Loved this, Mary!

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Thanks Betsy! I’m so glad! 🥰

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Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

A beautiful day & a beautiful you! Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you! 🥰 Thanks for reading!

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Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

I could not adore Anna more. You’ve raised a great kid. This is a beautiful post, my friend!

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Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

I love the way you've woven together the bears, and driving, and the books. This reminded me of a great essay by Carol Dunbar about encountering a mama bear and her cubs when she had her young children in a stroller. It used to be online, but I can't find the full version of it any more, but there is this: https://wisconsinlife.org/story/mother-bear/ Thought you might enjoy it.

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Thanks Rita and thanks for sharing the story. I can’t wait to check it out.

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Another beautiful post.

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Thanks Keris!

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Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

I LOVE THIS!! I want to re-check out the bear book. What a great mantra for life!

What a loyal daughter to not rat you out. AND love her enough to throw the phone in the back of your car where you can't touch it. It is no big deal until it is a bit deal.

Happy last summer is just around the corner but I have so much to get done week.

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Yup- I’m trying to be better and you are 100 percent correct.

Thanks for the confidence boost this week. I love how this came out, and you guys helped me get here. Good luck this week! You got this!

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Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

We used to sing that song on hikes with my family too growing up.

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Jun 9Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Mary I love this post and I am not scared either

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Thanks for reading. Tender is the right word- thank you for that. I hilariously discovered that Lou Reed never even says hey man, he says hey babe among other things- that only made it more funny to me. 😂

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