Jun 5Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Enjoy your summer, Mary! 🌼🌺🌸🌻🌷

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Thank you Susan! 🌸

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I taught first grade many years ago (right out of college) and cherished my summers. Unless someone has been a teacher themself, they do not know all that goes into a day of teaching. It doesn't end when the students leave the classroom. I loved teaching andI tutored as well. Teaching is an important, valuable profession!

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May 27Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Can't wait to read these.. Thanks for the list.

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May 27Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Ok you’re the third person to recommend Nothing to See Here to me- must be time to finally read it! Thanks for the recs ❤️

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May 26Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Wandering Stars and 1000 Words are on my summer list, too. Thanks for sharing my reading zine!

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I’m so impressed so far with Wandering Stars. I might need to go back and reread There There which I immediately thought I needed to do after reading There There. I want to teach his books next year but I’m not sure which parts and how. It’s a fun problem. And of course. The world needs more of things you recommend!

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May 26Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Nothing to See Here knocked my socks off - so creative, touching and funny. I am excited for another Kevin Wilson read this summer.

I also love early mornings in the summer. I have a complicated relationship with slowing down, but morning coffee and quiet time on the porch make the long summer days feel full of hope and possibility.

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Same! Socks totally knocked off. I love your description of a summer morning. It’s beautiful. Thank you for supporting POP for another year.

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May 26Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Thank you for the recommendations! Adding some of these to my list.

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You are welcome. I hope you like them as much as I do.

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I'm doing 1000 words of summer! I have the book and have been reading it a little at a time. I keeps getting lost in my office. I should move it with my morning writing notebook.

Two books on my summer reading list:

• How to Read a Book by Monica Wood

• Still Life by Sarah Winman

The first came out recently, and the friend who got me reading Wood in the first place said she's already reading it a second time. We were walking around a bookstore at the time and she pulled Still Life off the shelf and said "So good." If she recommends something I pretty much put in on my list right away.

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Yay! I’m so glad Sara. I have a friend like that too. 😊 Thanks for the book recs. Those authors are new to me.

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Monica Wood's The One in a Million Boy was excellent. If it's easier to get your hands on a slightly older book, I'd read that one.

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Thank you!

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May 26Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

As a former teacher/instructional coach/ school librarian, I see you. Your description of the difference between school year and summer is so true to mine. Wishing you a wonderful summer! Love your book recommendations. Two days before our schools shut down for Covid, I got to go with teachers and students from my district's alternative school to hear Tommy Orange speak. It feels like the last "normal" thing I got to do, and what a great note to end on. I'm so glad we went (although in hindsight, knowing what we do now, I'm sure we'd have made a different choice), and I'm really looking forward to reading his new book.

Cheers to your summer!

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Awww. Thanks Rita. I see you too. I also heard Tommy Orange speak prior to Covid, another tie that connects us. 🌸

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Mary, as always, a generous serving of luscious possibilities. TY for sharing Jami's fundraiser and writing community. Just joined!

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Yay! Here’s to thousands of words, one word at a time.

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May 26Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

What a delightful description of the change from the non-stop schedule of a teacher to the slower days of summer, the recovery months. Choosing to get up because there are so many things you want to do versus getting up because you have to makes all the difference.

Thank you for the list of books to read. I also loved Kevin Wilson's Nothing to See Here. A very much needed lighter read from my normal list of books.

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Writing it got me excited for summer! Thanks for supporting POP for another year.

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The book list looks interesting!!!

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What are you reading now?

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It’s so good. I hope you love it.

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