Feb 25Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Mary, thank you-

what an important act this is- of shining one’s light and celebrating. Also, love that poem!

Recently, in conversation with a dear friend, I was relaying a story about something I had done for myself and said how proud I was. It involved taking care of my emotional needs and reaching out and asking for connection. That’s not usually something I do and was kind of risky for me. I put my vulnerability out there, kicking fear of rejection aside. My friend listened and congratulated me, saying she was proud of me too. Then she added, “ In the 40 plus years that we’ve been friends, I’ve never heard you speak positively about yourself, let alone be proud. Other people including me have, but never you.”

So, at seventy and a half years old and one and a half years into widowhood, here I am shining my own light. Yeah me!

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Feb 26Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Love your weekly writings. We all need to be reminded that are lights and our passions are worthy. Especially, as a writer, it is so easy to doubt one's self.

Your dedication is inspirational. You should be proud of this Substack and all you are doing.

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Feb 25Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

This essay's focus on shine makes me think of "Shine Theory" https://www.shinetheory.com/ which I first heard referenced in one of Michelle Obama's books (I can't remember which one) about they ways that women network and support each other. I love that you celebrated with Capri Suns and cookies in advisory! Since this past Friday was the last one in the month, students shared a celebration, appreciation, or intention in our Friday Circle and some students mentioned improved grades or the intention to improve them, but they also shared appreciations of the sunlight and celebrations of birthdays and appreciations of themselves which I thought was awesome.

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Thank you for the reminder to celebrate and for a wonderful Lucille Clifton poem that I'd never heard before.

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Mar 14Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Oh my. ❤️ Mary, You have such a beautiful way with words and a voice enjoyable to listen to. I have begun an amazing and inspiring journey with the start of the creative writing class. I celebrate my new learning experience with joy and gratitude! I also celebrate my life and all the stories I have to share. Oh, and my favorite cake? Anything with frosting really 🤩 Thank you

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Mar 2Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Aww thanks for sharing. Yes! I am focusing more and more on “shining”, and dare I say it’s working?! Time to add more celebrating to the mix. That cake looks delicious!

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Feb 27Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Thanks for sharing your Pocket and cake! Both delicious!

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Feb 25Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

I love the idea of celebrating more often. I also love that I got to have a slice of that delicious cake.

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Feb 25Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

This is a helpful reminder, and I’m so glad to have this Lucille Clifton poem in your life now! Hooray!💫🌈🦋

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Congrats Mary!! Worthy of celebration in deed ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’ll drink a Capri Sun in your honor this week 🫶

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Feb 25Liked by Mary Hutto Fruchter

Oh that poem, Mary! Thank you. I shall send it as a birthday gift to my mentee, an extraordinary survivor of a terrifying girlhood that she wrote, (often amusingly ) about in “Girl from Nowhere “. ( by Eliska Tanzer) Bless your pockets full of kindness.

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